Serving the High Plains

Letter to the editor - April 25

If Trump's selling it, don't buy it

Our country is great because we are a nation of laws.

In theory no one is above the law.

The Justice Department was established to see that laws are followed. Congress makes the laws, judges interpret them. The idea was for each to be basically independent for the good of the country.

Our Justice Department overall has done an excellent job. The career agents are devoted to being of service to their country, honestly enforcing laws for the benefit of all.

In enforcing laws, if it benefits Democrats, Republicans complain; if it benefits Republicans, Democrats complain.

Neil De Grasse Tyson said “I dream of a world where the truth is what shapes people’s politics, rather than politics shaping what people think is true.”

A successful democracy depends on that.

After all this hoopla of Trump complaining about the Justice Department, judges, etc., it is reported that the trust in the Justice Department has gone down.

This to me is a reflection of the ability of some to evaluate information received.

Did you verify through reliable sources?

Believing something a proven liar says or what someone that backs him says, over the Justice Department reminds me of “ocean front property in Arizona” and “snake oil.”

A “strong leader” like Putin or Turkey’s leader, the ones Trump likes, tries to destroy faith in the media and the Justice Department. Attacks on media, the FBI and any other branch of government that does not do his bidding — that is the path Trump is taking

To put it in everyday language: Would you buy a used car from Trump?

Leon Logan
