Serving the High Plains

Ultimate love comes from God

"Love never fails" 1 Corinthians 13:8 (NIV)

Oh, the talk of love floating through the air brings visions of flowers, mushy Valentine sentiments and many forms of gifts. I have memories of my first Valentine's Day with Mark when I received the most beautiful heart-shaped box of chocolates the day after. How romantic until he told me they were half-priced. I quickly found out that Mark is more practical who shows his love by doing things for others. His idea of romance is digging up a wild cabbage rose when he was working and transplanting it in my garden.

Family and friends bring with them their own type of love. They are the people you aren't afraid to be yourself. I have one special friend I talk to often and we take turns sharing our burdens. How many people can you grumble to and they will listen.

Love is my two little furry pets that can make me laugh, cry, or get impatient when they won't listen to me. It is my little dog, Gracie, who found a home, especially in my heart. Gracie is a very sensitive dog and tries to comfort me when I cry. Those little eyes are so full of love and caring.

The other pet is a cat named Taz who was born to a stray that hung around for food. I was never a lover of cats growing up although I loved to play with kittens…until they scratched me.

The kittens were wild, but I was determined to catch them. I tried every method I knew and one day managed to pick up Taz. He spit, hissed, and scratched until I dropped him into the trash barrel. I decided right then and there I would call him Tasmanian Devil and not have any more to do with him.

Taz had other ideas and as he grew followed me around the yard and sat quietly on the porch beside me as I totally ignored him. One day he decided I was going to be his human so he jumped in my lap and started purring and wanting me to pet him. Thus began our relationship.

The last and certainly not least form of love is the special bond with members of my church family. I was recently ill and unable to attend church. I was feeling low and despondent when a van appeared in the driveway. Since I couldn't go to Sunday School, my class came to me. They showed their love by thinking outside the box. Though we weren't in a church, the time we shared was one of the most spiritual experiences I ever shared. It was such a wonderful time of worship.

Our church family has ministered to us in so many ways and along the way taught me to be humble and not proud. That's right … proud. It is easy for me to do things for others but I have trouble allowing them to do things for me. When a friend called and said she got the blessing of fixing a meal for us, I realized the error of my ways.

Love comes from many sources but the ultimate love comes from God. How will you choose to not only give love, but receive it? Love as God shows you opportunities because true love never fails. By the way, I still have that empty heart-shaped box.

Debra Whittington is a longtime resident of Tucumcari. Contact her at:

[email protected]