Serving the High Plains

Meetings watch - Nov. 14

At the Tucumcari City commission meeting Thursday:

  • Commissioners Robert Lumpkin thanked the staff of the county clerk's office for a job well done during the election and asked the city to send out congratulation notes to all who won.
  • Adopted a proclamation declaring Nov. 15 Senior Citizens Day of Thanks.

Mayor Amiel Curnutt signed the proclamation and handed it to Rhonda Gurierrez.

  • Ordinance 1107 was discussed and it was determined a legal advertisement will be run in the Quay County Sun for two weeks and the issue will be

discussed at the next regular meeting. Loan and grant applications

will have to be approved for a 500,000-gallon water tank to be put at Five

Mile Park. Total cost will be $389,697.

  • It was announced a company is interested in buying the molding factory on Whitmore Street. City employees have been working on the building and have cleaned it up.
  • Three bids were turned in on a new trash collection truck for the city. Lonestar of Albuquerque was the lowest bid at $159,612. Commissioners approved the low bid.
  • Approved a request to hire two part time employees at the Senior Citizens Center for van drivers. Their salaries will be paid with state money and there is no cost to the city.
  • Veronica Sandy announced that there will be a free dump day at the old landfill from 8 a.m. until noon on Nov. 17. Only city residents are able to dump and must have a current paid utility bill. No household trash can be taken. The landfill can accept washers, dryers and other appliances — as long as freon mechanisms are taken off — mattresses, boards, etc. No batteries, paint or biohazard products will be taken. There will be a charge for tires.

— Compiled by QCS staff writer Jerrene Bradley

At a meeting Tuesday of the Arch Hurley Conservancy District:

  • Glenn Briscoe addressed the board on the outdoor classroom and its educational use for the community. He said the classroom has been used by hundreds of students in the area. The classroom has been an ongoing project for years and Briscoe has been working with the classroom committee, which has grant funds available to buy bentonite for use at the classroom. Board members said equipment will be available after Dec. 1 to lay the bentonite down at the classroom. The board approved assisting the committee in this project.
  • The board approved sending property owners letters notifying them of past due assessments. Some are delinquent by three or more years and total about $165,000. The letters are an attempt to collect past due assessments before liens are placed on properties.
  • Larry Perkins, Phillip Box and Franklin McCasland attended the 81st Annual NWRA Water Conference in California on Oct. 30-Nov. Board members said the meetings were very informative and should help the district improve.
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