Serving the High Plains

Notes from the church lady: Lonely being cut off from world

"...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40

Just over a month ago, Mark and I took a trip through Kansas. We were heading towards Lebanon, Kansas, the geographic center of the continental United States and thought it might make an interesting side trip.

It was a cold, snowy day that grew worse the farther we traveled east. I read a brochure on the marker of the exact location and was disappointed to learn it was off the beaten path. With the weather we were traveling through I decided there was no reason to turn off the main road. A picture in a brochure was good enough.

Imagine being able to say you are in the center of the country or that the entire country is around you. It is similar to the time we visited the 4-corners marker that is in the middle of nowhere, traveling miles just to say we were there. Did it make us any more important using our arms and legs to say we were in 4 states at once?

Change being in the center of a location to being the center of your own little world. How many people do you know who think they are more important than others and can't be bothered by those things outside their tiny inner circle? Some of these people build up barriers around themselves while others refuse to reach out to someone in need.

I realize many people are often distracted and can't see the needs around them. I often fall into this category, only because my mind is elsewhere. There are other times I feel a nudging from the Holy Spirit but choose to look the other way only to feel remorse later.

Recently I was having lunch at one of our fast food establishments when 2 buses full of teenager pulled into the parking lot. They came inside in an orderly manner and waited patiently to place their order. Once they were eating they talked quietly to one another and started picking up after themselves.

I was so impressed that I went to talk to one of their sponsors. When I asked her about the kids she said, "Oh, no, what did they do"? I told her how impressed I was with the kids and just wanted to let them know. She thanked me and said she would share with the group later. I am glad I listened to the Holy Spirit to say something about this church youth group. Too often kids are criticized and not praised when they do something right.

I realize this may not seem important as being a Good Samaritan, but any act we do for others is important to them. Much of the time it is the simple things such as a smile to the checker at the store who was belittled by the last customer or holding the door for someone.

Don't cut yourself off from the world or think you are the center of the world. By doing so you may find yourself alone because people won't always pursue you. On the other hand, be willing sometimes to take a risk and reach out to someone who is off the beaten path. By ministering to them, you are fulfilling the command of Jesus.

Debra Whittington is a longtime resident of Tucumcari. Contact her at:

[email protected]