Serving the High Plains

County jail has saved $243,000

Staff Report

Quay County commissioners took a tour of the Quay County Detention Center during Monday’s regular meeting in Tucumcari.

Commissioner Chair Franklin McCasland, District 2 Commissioner Mike Cherry, District 1 Commissioner Sue Dowel and County Manager Richard Primrose toured the facility following a yearly report from QCDC Administrator T.J.

Rich, who told commissioners that to-date QCDC has held 730 inmates, with an average daily population of 41 inmates. Rich said the average stay for inmates was 48.14 days and said the detention center currently is housing 27 male and five female inmates.

Rich also said that ankle monitor costs for the year to date total $6,485.80; the county earned $13,277 for a savings of $240,000. County officials say the cost comes from the amount of money the county pays to have access and use the ankle monitoring system including GPS monitoring and alcohol and drug monitoring systems in the ankle monitor; they add that the revenue is generated from the monthly charge the inmates who are released with ankle monitors must pay. The overall savings to the county, according to officials, is the amount of money that they saved having the inmates being monitored versus the cost the county would have paid having to house them at QCDC.

In other business, commissioners:

• Approved the Rural Primary Healthcare Act contract for the Quay County Family Health Center.

• Heard Sheriff Russell Shafer give a monthly activity update for the Sheriff’s Office. It included, for the period from June 25 to July 23: 187 calls for service; 68 civil processes; 13 transports; 13 citations; and 12 warrants and arrests.

• Heard a treasurer’s report from Quay County Treasurer Patsy Gresham.

Received a road update from Quay County Road Superintendent Larry Moore.

• Approved the fourth quarter DWI Financial report.

• Approved Resolution 1 for the June 30, 2015 finalization budget report.

• Approved Resolution 2 Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget report.

• Held an executive session to discuss pending or threatened litigation. Commissioners took no action.