Serving the High Plains

Annie's Project coming to Tucumcari

Annie’s Project, an acclaimed course for women in agriculture, is coming to eastern New Mexico at Tucumcari for six weeks starting in mid-January.

Annie’s Project is a six-week course that incorporates evidence-based training with interactive discussion and hands-on exercises. It brings together women from various subsectors of agriculture to learn from experts in production, financial management, human resources, marketing and the legal field. It also offers time for peer-to-peer learning and sharing from other farm and ranch women.

Annie’s Project courses have helped advance the knowledge and experience of more than 15,000 farm and ranch women in 33 states in the last 20 years.

New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service in Quay County, with the assistance of a local steering committee of local agricultural and businesswomen and with the support of sponsors, is bringing Annie’s Project to eastern New Mexico for six Saturdays in 2022, beginning Jan. 15.

Agricultural women of all backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to participate. Registration is $100 for all six classes if one is registered before Dec. 1. After Dec. 15, registration will be $125. All registrations include lunch for each session.

Farmers Electric Cooperative (matched by CoBank), Farm Credit of NM, New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, City of Tucumcari, American Heritage Bank, Citizens Bank, New Mexico Bank & Trust and Box Family Farms are sponsoring the course.

Visit the NMSU Quay County Cooperative Extension Web site at or call 575-461-0562 for information. More information about Annie’s Project also can be found on the national website at