Serving the High Plains

Healthcare provider to apply for grant for retinal-scan camera

An administrator for Presbyterian Healthcare Services told the Quay County Commission on Monday the healthcare provider would apply for a grant to help buy a retinal-scan camera for diabetes patients.

C. Renee Hayoz, administrator for Presbyterian Healthcare Services that runs Dr. Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital in Tucumcari, said the provider would apply for a Rural Primary Health Care Act grant. The retinal-scan camera, which costs $5,000, would help diagnose diabetes and measure visual degradation in such patients.

Hayoz said such a medical device is needed in the region and often isn’t available in rural areas.

Hayoz said the application letter is just a draft at this time, and it remained unknown the total grant money that would be available. She told commissioners she anticipated submitting the application sometime next month. In addition to the camera, the grant will be used for other expenses at the hospital.

In other county business Monday:

• County manager Richard Primrose said the county had been approved by the New Mexico Legislature for $750,000 in capital-outlay funds to improve Quay Road 63 and Quay Road AP northwest of Tucumcari. He said the project provides access to land owned by Mesalands Community College that will be developed into a practice facility for the college’s rodeo team. The capital-outlay item requires final approval by the governor.

• Commissioners approved a $1,500 transfer of travel money to the utilities fund for the DWI Distribution Fund. County Finance Director Cheryl Simpson said it was leftover money not used for travel.

• Commissioners approved a budget adjustment to the New Mexico Finance Authority debt reserve. Simpson said the reserve would be used to reconcile funds, as suggested by auditors.

• Commissioners approved a public-funds banking resolution that creates a noninterest-bearing account for grants. County Treasurer Patsy Gresham requested the resolution.

• Commissioners approved an annual resolution that certifies the mileage of county-maintained roads. There was no change in the 1,108 miles the county maintains from the previous year.