Serving the High Plains

House candidates weigh in

Two of the three positions for the House school board on the Nov. 5 ballot are contested with challengers facing off against incumbents in both races.

William “Clint” Runyan, Position 4, is facing opposition from Wendy Green-Grigsby and Phillip Runyan, Position 5, is being challenged by Dyron Gray. William Noland is unopposed for Position 3.

The remaining two board positions are not up for balloting in this elections. The terms for Calvin Downey (Position 1) and Rachelle Moon (Position 2) will expire in 2021.

The candidates seem to agree that House Schools need to increase enrollment while keeping schools safe and educational quality high.

Enrollment in House Schools has declined from 87 students in the 2010-2011 to 63 in the 2018-2019 school year, according to information from the New Mexico Public Education Department.

Below are responses from candidates in contested races. Attempts to contact William “Clint” Runyan were unsuccessful.

Position 4

Wendy Green-Grigsby

Age: 42

Occupation: Domestic engineer

What prompted you to run?

As a concerned parent, who’s children go to school at House, there are a lot of positive changes that could be made to help make House School better for the future. I would like to be that person who helps make House stronger for future generations.

What’s the biggest issues facing the school district?

I would say the biggest issue facing House School is its enrollment numbers. They are at some of the lowest I have ever seen. We’ve got to find a way to boost our enrollment and get more kiddos going to school at House.

Why should voters cast a ballot for you?

I’ve worked 20 years with the pubic and I understand how to get along with everyone. I understand people. I know budgets. I have a special needs son and I know how to fight to get the rights that a person deserves.

What would you like to see the district accomplish during your term if elected?

As a mother with a special needs child I would like to see more help for then special education department. I would like to see if we could get more grants or other means to help them out to get more monies and other types of funding to make it a stronger department. I’d also like to see if we could find ways to boost student enrollment numbers.

Position 5

Phillip Runyan

What prompted you to run?

This is actually my second term, as I've been on the board for the past 4 years. The reason that I ran for the school board then was because I was contacted by some other board members and asked by them to run. One of the other board members had decided to not run again and it was sort of a last minute crisis. Honestly, up until then I had never given it much thought. At the beginning, the first few board meetings, I had to spend all of my time playing catch up, asking questions, trying to get a feel for the job. Now that I've been on the board for a term I've found that my interest in the House school system has only grown over time. I believe that the school is headed in the right direction and I very much want to see that it continues to do so.

What is the biggest issue that faces House schools?

I believe that the biggest issue that we are facing has to do with the low number of students. I'm not sure that there is a lot that we can do about it but I'm determined to make sure that this school is secure and safe and that the teachers and the staff are of the highest quality possible. I'd like for everyone to be able to acknowledge that this school is a treasure and that all parents should feel content knowing that their children are being taught well and treated fairly.

Why should voters cast a ballot for you?

The only way that I know to increase the enrollment at the school is to make it to be totally safe, free from any type of bullying, with the best teaching staff that is possible. That is what I am working toward. I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and have been a self-employed business person for many years but I'm not sure that anybody is overly qualified for the school board, certainly not at first. There is a lot to learn, a lot of mandates from PED, a lot of Do's and Don'ts handed down from the State Board, and a lot of complicated accounting that only pertains to schools. I think that a person who has been on the board for a while becomes more 'qualified' as time goes on, as you get used to the tasks and issues that come with the job.

What would you like to see the district accomplish during your term, if elected?

Like a lot of people in this area, I graduated from House High School (1975) and my father graduated from House as well (1944). In these smaller communities, the school is the glue that keeps things together. Without a lot of other activities going on, the school functions are just about the only time that people get together to visit. When I was in school we still had sports teams and the whole community would come out to the games. I would very much like to have the enrollment at House to increase to the point to where we could have our own teams once again. The decisions that are made by the board can help the school get better for the students, their parents and the community.

Dyron Ray

Age: 39

Occupation: Mailman

What prompted you to run?

I felt like I should run for the school board because I have a child attending House Schools. I want to make sure the school continues to provide a good education to our youth.

What are the big issues facing the school district?

The main issues are a our lack of enrollment and getting good educators that have the students’ best interest in their lesson plans. Also, keeping those educators.

Why should voters cast a ballot for you?

I am a life-long resident of House and I am interested in doing what is best for our school.

What would you like to see the district accomplish during your term, if elected?

I would like to see higher enrollment, as we do have teachers and staff that are concerned with provide a good education and safe environment for all students that attend our school. I hope to get the word out to parents of children having trouble in their current school that House School has a great learning environment.

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