Serving the High Plains

Menus - Dec. 25

Tucumcari Senior Center

Wednesday — Closed for Christmas

Thursday — Beef enchilada, lettuce, tomato, jalapeno, onions, salsa, pinto beans, crackers, chocolate pudding.

Friday — Grilled cheese, tomato soup, crackers, mandarin orange.

Monday — Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, carrots, whole-wheat roll with margarine, tapioca pudding with strawberries.

Tuesday — Ham and cheese sandwich, lettuce and tomato, baked chips, sugar cookie (Note: lunch will be served at 11 a.m.; center will be closed at noon).

Logan Senior Center

Wednesday — Closed for Christmas.

Thursday — Beef stew, cucumber and onion salad, cornbread with margarine, strawberry shortcake.

Friday — Ham and noodles, California vegetables, vegetable salad with dressing, cottage cheese, peaches.

Monday — Stuffed bell pepper, baked beans, carrots, biscuit, fruit cocktail.

Tuesday — Closed for New Year’s holiday.

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