Serving the High Plains

Cable cut leads to phone, Internet outages

An inadvertent cable cut led to phone and Internet outages in Tucumcari for several hours Wednesday afternoon.

Vince Tyson, a spokesman at Plateau Telecommunications in Clovis, stated in an email a fiberoptic cable was cut about 1 p.m. Wednesday during utility work near its main equipment building in Tucumcari.

“Due to the location, it disrupted service to the majority of our fiber customers,” he stated. “We were able to splice in a temporary cable to restore service to the majority of the customers, but some customers near our building remain out until we have the new permanent cable in place and spliced. Our crews will work on the final fix until complete.”

The service disruption knocked out phone service to county offices, including the sheriff and emergency communications center.

Service mostly was restored in the city by 6 p.m. Wednesday.