Serving the High Plains

Learn to separate fact from fiction

Warning: The following is not true. I make my point at the end:

Call me R, not Q as in QAnon, just R. Welcome to my anonymous “dark web” site.

The evidence for this story has been buried in a place more secret than Jimmy Hoffa’s grave, so don’t even try to find it.

I was a soldier in the New York Mafia in the 1970s and 1980s. I knew Henry Hill of the “Goodfellas” movie and Tommy Desimone, the real name of the character in “Goodfellas” played by Joe Pesci.

There was only one non-Italian in history who ever became a made guy, an actual Mafia member, in New York.

That was Donald Trump. Yeah, that Trump. The president.

Trump was building his empire in the 1970s and 1980s and, like every builder in Manhattan, he paid his 2% to the Lucchese Mafia family for every load of concrete as his buildings rose.

But he ended up stiffing a lot businesses and contractors who worked for him.

Why didn’t they destroy Trump with their claims?

Trump asked “Tony Ducks,” Anthony Corallo, the boss of the Lucchese Family, the richest Mafia outfit, for help in dealing with the threats from the unpaid.

Well, Tony had his list and Donald had his. Tony’s guys would take care of Donald’s guys, but then Tony asked for a favor. Even Donald knew you didn’t refuse to do a favor for Tony Ducks.

You might remember that Carmine “Lilo” Galante, a boss in the Bonanno Mafia outfit, got whacked in 1979 at an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn.

Three guys in ski masks did the hit on Galante. One was Trump. True! I swear!

Then there was Anthony Russo, who had become a Genovese Family boss in New Jersey. His body was found near a Jersey beach town after taking a trip in the trunk of Trump’s car. This I know. For a fact. Honest.

Local lawmen thought the FBI might have had something to do with it, because Donald told them that. It wouldn’t be the last time he put something over on the FBI.

Donald, being Donald, wanted some recognition and suggested he should become a made guy. So behind closed doors in an elegant hotel just off Central Park, Donald Trump became the first non-Italian made man in New York.

That could have been better than getting your face on Mount Rushmore.

OK. The falsehood is over. Now I will get to the point:

I made this up, as I warned you. I just applied some imagination to known facts and made up a story. I’m no fan of Donald Trump, but I won’t expect you to believe this story just because you don’t like Trump.

Q of QAnon writes fiction about Democrats, pedophilia, pizza and Satan on an anonymous “dark web” site, and people believe him (or her) just because they don’t like Democrats.

That’s hundreds of thousands, if not millions. One is now likely to be elected to Congress.

They support Trump and vice versa. That’s scary.

Ultimately, my point is this: If we’re going to continue our democracy, we have to do better at separating fact from fiction and ground ourselves in reality.

Steve Hansen writes for Clovis Media Inc. Contact him at:

[email protected]