Serving the High Plains

Senior centers cautiously optimistic

The contracted director of senior citizen centers in Tucumcari and Logan stayed cautiously optimistic those facilities will reopen for meals Monday morning after being closed for almost 18 months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus numbers in Quay County this week continue to be the X-factor of whether Tucumcari Senior Center opens its doors at 11:30 a.m. Monday and the Logan Senior Center opens at 11 a.m. that same day, as planned.

Quay County last week remained at a low ebb of COVID-19 cases, though New Mexico in general and many other states are reporting increases, mostly due to the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant among unvaccinated people.

“We’re just hoping that our numbers will maintain and that we’re not shut down again,” contracted director Clara Rey said in a phone interview Thursday. “It’s just a bit worrisome. From what I see on the news, the numbers (of COVID-19 cases) seem to be rising everywhere.”

Rey said both facilities were scheduled to open Monday for meals only. Usual senior center activities such as games, exercise rooms and a computer lab in Logan will be off-limits for now.

“We’re going to open slowly so that we don’t fully open and then have an issue,” Rey said. “Hopefully, the number of cases will not rise and issues will not happen. If that is the case, we’ll open completely in September.”

Those who go inside the senior centers will be asked whether they are vaccinated for COVID-19. They also will undergo temperature checks and be questioned about risk factors, such as going out of state, being possibly exposed to the virus or feeling sick. Masks will be required. After their meal, clients will have to leave promptly.

For those senior citizens or visitors who say they are unvaccinated, “they will need to return to their vehicle, and we will prepare their meals to be taken home.”

Rey said she and staff members have tried to inform clients through surveys and phone calls about the protocol of the senior facilities reopening. She said she’s received no pushback from those she’s contacted so far.

“Hopefully, people will understand these are rules are for everyone’s safety, including theirs,” Rey said.

Rey noted several senior citizens still have voiced discomfort of going to senior centers at this time.

“There are lot of people who’ve said they’re not ready. So we will continue to offer the grab-and-go service (for meals) for those individuals,” she said.

“One of our ladies said, ‘If I have to wear a mask except when I’m eating or drinking and I have to leave right after, I think I’m going to wait because my main reason I want to go is to see my friends.’”

Rey said staff members will be extra-careful during the reopenings, using electro-static cleaners and disinfecting all surfaces.

She said its not just senior citizens who are eager to have those facilities open again.

“I think we’re all ready to welcome everybody back,” she said.

Rendered 08/31/2024 10:56