Serving the High Plains

Incumbent wins card draw to keep seat

HOUSE - Incumbent Anita Allen won a card draw against challenger Steve Foust on Dec. 13 to keep her spot on the House village board after their race in the November election ended in a tie.

The other tie in the village board race was decided when one of the candidates conceded.

The winner between Allen and Foust was determined by a game of chance at the village's municipal building after the Nov. 2 election for councilor-at-large produced a tie of 17 votes each. A subsequent recount later in the month affirmed the deadlock.

John Snipes and incumbent Ronald McGee also had tied for Position 3 village board with 19 votes apiece, but Snipes took over possession of the seat when McGee resigned. McGee then shook hands with Snipes.

McGee said he stepped down to take care of his wife, who is ill.

The game of chance was officiated by Quay County Clerk Ellen White.

"The method of determining by lot shall be agreed upon by a majority of a committee consisting of the tied candidates, the county chairmen of the political parties that participated in the election and the district judge," the law states regarding ties.

District Judge Albert Mitchell Jr. set the rules for the game of chance via a card draw after a recount affirmed the ties.

Allen said she was happy to keep her spot on the board.

"I'm looking forward to keep serving," Allen said shortly afterward.

Snipes said he was happy to take his spot on the board.

"I'm looking to keep things better all the time," Snipes said.

No one seemed upset with the results of the draw.

"It was a new experience," Foust said.

Rendered 08/31/2024 22:58