Serving the High Plains

Pages past - May 4

On this date ...

1972: Two escaped prisoners from Kansas arrested in connection with the abduction and shooting of Quay County sheriff’s deputy Travis Haynes of Ragland were arraigned before Magistrate Judge Charles Magruder and held on $100,000 bond each on one charge of armed robbery. District Attorney Norman Runyan said more charges were likely.

Haynes remained in critical condition in intensive care at a Lubbock, Texas, hospital. The suspects were captured near Carrizozo. They were accused of kidnapping Haynes, who later was found shot in the head behind a shack near Taiban. Haynes never recovered from his injuries and died in 1984.

• Tucumcari school administrators and the school board plan to use insurance money, a grant from the state’s Department of Finance Emergency Fund and the district’s emergency fund to build and equip a new cafeteria after an April 12 fire destroyed it. Administrators said the new cafeteria should be open by mid-November.

• Cristobal Trujillo, 65, a former resident of Trementina, died at Trigg Memorial Hospital from injuries he sustained in a tractor accident April 24 on Highway 104. His death was the fourth traffic fatality in Quay County this year.

• The Third Street Grocery, owned by Jim and Glenda Gentry, was advertising a 3-pound package of lean ground beef for $1.59, fresh whole fryers for 29 cents a pound, sirloin steak for $1.09 a pound and T-bone steak for $1.29 a pound.

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