Serving the High Plains

Paula Chacon hired as city manager

The Tucumcari City Commission on Thursday approved a contract for a new city manager who is a resident and a longtime local public servant.

Commissioners approved a three-year deal for Paula Chacon, a former county manager for Quay County from 2001 to 2004 and a former county manager in Union County, as well. Chacon was sitting in the gallery of the commission chambers as her contract was approved.

According to the contract, she will be paid $84,718.40 a year. She begins her city manager duties on Aug. 23.

Chacon serves as a business specialist in the 10th Judicial District in Tucumcari and was a magistrate court manager in the city before that. She ran unsuccessfully for magistrate judge in 2018.

After the commission meeting, Chacon said she was reluctant to talk about her forthcoming job until after she assumes its duties but acknowledged she was excited about it.

“I feel like I have abilities to help the city move forward,” she said.

Chacon was asked what prompted her to apply for the position.

“I’m from Tucumcari, and I care about the future of our city,” she replied. “I want to help it improve and move forward.”

Mayor Ruth Ann Litchfield said after the meeting a total of six candidates applied for the position and that four were interviewed by commissioners. Two candidates dropped out before the interview stage, she said.

During the commissioner comment part of Thursday’s meeting, several commissioners congratulated Chacon on her hiring and said they were looking forward to working with her.

Interim city manager Mark Martinez, who will revert to his previous position as assistant city manager later this month, thanked the commission, city staff and the community for their support and said he enjoyed the job.

“I’m looking forward to serving the city in my old role,” he said.

Martinez in March resigned as city manager but continued to serve in that role until a new one was hired. He said going back to his old job would be “the best decision for my career.”

Martinez was named interim city manager in April 2020 after his predecessor, Britt Lusk, announced he was leaving to take a similar position in Texas. The “interim” tag was removed from Martinez’s position a few months after that.