Serving the High Plains

Pages past - Nov. 2

On this date ...

1972: Roy Rumbaugh, administrator of Trigg Memorial Hospital in Tucumcari, made his pitch to The Tucumcari News during an interview about an upcoming three-quarter mill tax levy election to help support the facility.

He said it wouldn’t be a tax increase but a continuation of a current tax first approved in 1964 shortly before the hospital opened, then renewed in 1968.

Rumbaugh said the tax “is desperately needed to continue services and to offset the great indigent load the hospital has.”

He also said about $20,000 will be used to replace equipment at the hospital.

• Anna Hunt of Tucumcari was fined $2,000, given a suspended jail sentence and put on three years of probation after being convicted in Albuquerque federal court on one of 32 counts of preparing false tax returns. She admitted guilt to the one count but denied committing all the offenses alleged by federal prosecutors.

• The 1972 Band Carnival was declared a success, with over $2,400 raised. The king and queen contest along raised more than $1,100, with Donald Walker and Anna Santillan crowned king and queen. Band Aids worked the carnival, Tucumcari merchants donated prizes, and service clubs ran the games.

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