Serving the High Plains

Pages past - April 5

On this date ...

1973: Gov. Bruce King said he would ask for a federal disaster declaration for 11 northeastern counties after a huge winter storm.

During an airplane tour, King said he saw dying cattle, snow drifting to the eaves of ranch homes and barns, and roads that were impassible.

About 15,000 head of cattle were in danger of starvation or freezing in Union and Colfax counties, with at least that many in trouble in Mora and San Miguel counties.

Dozens of people were stranded in the Des Moines area and thousands of cattle had died. Four helicopters from Fort Carson, Colorado, dropped hay to the stricken cattle.

— About six acres 10 miles west of Tucumcari was sold by the state of New Mexico for $55,000 to the Lincoln Land and Development Co. of Colorado, which plans to sell it to Union Oil Co. of California for construction of a truck stop.

— Frank Hodges of Mayberry Chevron on East Tucumcari Boulevard reported a man using a snub-nosed revolver robbed an attendant of $64. The robber ran toward a waiting car at the old Stull building and took off east toward town. A car matching the description was pulled over in Santa Rosa, and two suspects awaited questioning by police.

— The House School Gymnasium was hosting a community fund drive with a pie supper Saturday. With a 25-cent admission, it will serve sandwiches, hot dogs, chili dogs and beverages, with a pie auction later in the evening. Funds would go to the House Boys and Girls state delegates, a cancer fund, heart fund, Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children, Retarded Children of Quay County and the Salvation Army.

— The Waterman Co. moved the former John Deere building from its old location on Main Street to the city maintenance grounds for storage and maintenance purposes. The moving company had a tight fit making a turn at Monroe and Center streets.

— Southwest Motors in Tucumcari was offering a child’s wagon for 1 cent for anyone purchasing a Ford station wagon.