Serving the High Plains

Spay/neutering bus services 102 pets

Quay County residents are thankful to Santa Fe Humane Society's spay and neutering bus and the organizers of this weekends Dog and Cat health fair.

QCS photos: Thomas Garcia

Mychele Moody and Jennifer Toennies prep a dog for a neutering Friday afternoon aboard the Santa Fe Humane Society's mobile spay and neutering clinic.

"I think it is absolutely wonderful, Quay County needs this kind of service," said Norma Billiot.

Billiot was at the Tucumcari Convention Center to pick up her 4-year-old dog Scrappy after his neutering surgery. She said there are so many animals that need to be neutered and for the price you can't beat it.

The bus was staffed with surgeon Tom Parker, assistants Mychele Moody, Jenniefer Toennies and Sara White, said mobile clinic assistant coordinator Terralynn Parker.

Parker said the bus has 20 cages allowing them to perform up to 40 surgeries a day. She said on Thursday they operated on 38 animals, 32 on Friday and 32 on Saturday.

Parker said on an average weekend the bus can service up to 100 animals. She said the service includes pre- and post-surgery instructions, and staff answers questions and concerns that pet owners might have.

There were 102 animals were serviced during the three-day health fair, said Christina Fleming.

Fleming said one of the biggest hits were the micro-chipping of animals. She said the overall response the fair by the public was fantastic.

Fleming said there were no complaints she heard, and countless residents took advantage of the other services offered.

There was a concern that there would not be enough money raised or donated to cover the cost of the third day.

Fleming said many area business and individuals came together and covered the $2,200. She said those were: Bob's Budget Pharmacy, Ronny Sanders, Pajarito Interiors, Quality Lube and Tire, Rix Security, Tucumcari Ranch Supply, Ray's Truck Service and many numerous individual donators.

Fleming said there has been a lot of interest in having a second event like this one. She said the staff of the bus complimented her and the volunteers for their assistance and friendliness.

Fleming said there is an opening in the Humane Society's schedule in November. She said with the help of the local villages, city and county governments, she hopes to have a second cat and dog health fair.

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