Serving the High Plains

Meetings watch: EPCOG (Jan. 9)

Here's a report on Wednesday's Eastern Plains Council of Governments Executive Committee:

  • Members reviewed and made adjustments to their November 2012 financial reports.
  • Executive Director Sandy Chancey reported on behalf of the Local Growth Management Committee.

The LGMC will be hosting a job fair Feb. 26 at the Clovis Civic Center. They sent out 120 employer letters for the fair. A workshop will also be held Feb. 22 at Clovis Community College to help prepare people for the job fair. The workshop will address resume help, interview skills and job search tips.

The LGMC also plans to hold a Tricare (military medical insurance) training for local medical providers.

  • Chancey told members she has invited Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., to do a meet and greet in eastern New Mexico but is still waiting for a response.
  • Members discussed allowing special districts to join EPCOG but possibly not as a voting member. The issue was tabled.
  • Members reviewed and made changes to their bylaws.

Members decided to hold regular meetings in Clovis but annual meetings will rotate around the region. They also tidied up language and got rid of items that no longer applied.

— Compiled by CMI staff writer Christina Calloway