Serving the High Plains

Commissioners approve grievance board decision

Quay County Commissioners on Tuesday unanimously approved a grievance board decision regarding termination of a Quay County Detention Center employee.

Barbara Jimenez was terminated in October 2012, accused of giving the wrong medication to an inmate a fourth time.

The grievance board made the right decision by terminating Jimenez, said County Manager Richard Primrose.

Jail Administrator Don Rich said Jimenez was warned and disciplined for three prior incidents involving inmates medication. Rich said he followed procedure and policy in regards to her termination.

Commissioners also approved a Mesa Counseling professional services contract with the jail.

David Crane will be paid $1,400 a month for evaluations of protective custody inmates at the jail. Rich said Crane will be on call for evaluations and having him with the county will save a lot of time and expense from taking inmates to a state facility in Las Vegas for evaluation.

Commissioners also:

  • Approved a special election April 23 regarding Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages in licensed premises in unincorporated areas of Quay County. The election was requested by Twelve Shores Golf Club to sell alcohol on Sundays.
  • Decided third and final notices will be mailed to county business that have not yet renewed their licenses.
  • Approved donation of a 6,000-gallon tanker trailer to the Bard-Endee Fire Department.
  • Tabled until the next meeting a decision on a resolution 22 regarding property tax equity.
  • Heard Road Superintendent Larry Moore report the county had five blade trucks removing snow Monday around House, Forrest and other communities hit hard by the blizzard that started late Sunday evening. He said signs are in for Quay Road 64, but they will have to wait until the snow has melted to install. Final inspection of this road will be on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m.
  • Approved $100 per year membership dues to the Northeast Economic Development Organization.
  • Approved Indigent claims for February.
  • Disclosed that final inspection of the Terry Turner building was completed 1 p.m. Tuesday and the extension office should be able to move back into the building by the end of the week. A fire Jan. 7 fire caused extensive smoke and fire damage, forcing replacement of carpet, tiles and other items throughout the building.
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