Serving the High Plains

Phil Tafone: Fitness sharing on social media may inspire others

Guest Columnist

Working out is physically difficult by design, but mentally, it can be so challenging that we may skip it altogether. Even the regular fitness enthusiast has had his share of "I'll go in an hour" every hour until the day is written off as a "rest day."

Most of the clients or students I ask about social media tell me they follow someone, if not many people, within the fitness industry. The reality is that hanging a picture of a Lamborghini, Paris, or a tropical Island, does not simply translate to earning enough money for an exotic car or a trip to a distant land. My point is that sometimes a picture is just something nice to look at.

But before you unfollow a few hundred physique models (or more likely, call me a grumpy jerk), allow me to share the most powerful use of social media, for anyone seeking motivation. It can frightening, but like all rewarding things in life, it comes with risks. And the risk, like most good ideas, is not as large as it is intimidating. My advice to all seeking motivation through social media is to stop being a follower and be a leader. Make a 30-day goal and announce it to your world. Maybe you want to lose five pounds. Don't tell me that it's nothing; tell everyone you know that you are doing something. In the same post, state that you will work out X number of times per week and will be posting it daily. Now you are accountable. An astonishing amount (up to 75 percent by my account) of people state that they hire personal trainers just for the accountability of an appointment with one.

As mentioned earlier, we should all reprogram our minds to view social media as a way of outreach rather than input. Five years ago, before I began my fitness career, my music was not on my phone, but rather an iPod. Since my gym had no reception, there was no point in bringing my phone when I worked out. My apartment was a few blocks from the gym and I would jog there. Before doing so I would write on Facebook that I won't be available by cell, because I was at the gym. Little did I know, I became known as a "workout guy."

My friends and my family became fascinated with the idea that I was working out. If I could join a gym, that meant they could too. If you don't believe in the power of sharing, start now and see what happens.

I'd bet that by the end of the year, someone will privately reach out to you asking for advice.

Phil “Capone” Tafone is currently the Health and Wellness Coordinator at Mesalands Community College. He can be reached at: [email protected]